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Credit: Marion Péhée / Alexis Vettoretti
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Vernissage - The UPP 2022 Award winners: Alexis Vettoretti and

The UPP is delighted to invite you to the opening of the double exhibition of the UPP 2022 Award winners.

  • "Peasant women" by Alexis Vettoretti
  • "Ukraine: the choice to stay" by Marion Péhée

Because it was essential to defend creativity and diversity of vision, UPP organized a free, open-themed competition in 2021 (in partnership with PICTO) and 2022.The aim of each edition was to support two professional photographers in the conception and realization of a photographic project, then to present them in a joint exhibition.

The opening will take place on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 from 6:30pm.
Exhibitions will be on view from September 12 to 28, 2023.

Peasant women" exhibition

Alexis Vettoretti

"Paysannes" is a series at Chambre photographique, which brings to light these peasant women born in thebetween the two world wars, heirs and witnesses to a bygone era in which they still live. Meet these women who are true forces of nature, in their own homes, in their own intimacy. By entering their homes today, the Chambre photographique captures a reality of yesterday, and shines a spotlight on these women who have never really been seen, looked at or thanked. And yet their beauty is so real. "Farmers' wives" first and foremost, they are an integral part of our history. Their faces, their hands, their bodies bear the traces of the passage from one century to another, of an evolving patriarchal system and of a profession whose rules have been redefined.

Photo credit: Alexis Vettoretti Photo Credit: Alexis Vettoretti

Ukraine: the choice to stay" exhibition

Marion Péhée

Anna, Gena and their family now live in the Kyiv suburb of DVRZ; displaced from the Lughansk region in 2014, they decided last February, in the face of the Russian invasion, that they would stay on Ukrainian territory. However, their future remains uncertain: Gleb, their eldest son, now wants to join the territorial defense forces, while Gena, a musician, regularly visits the UkrainianGena, a musician, regularly visits the region's military bases to entertain the soldiers with small concerts, while continuing to give voluntary haircuts to Ukrainian soldiers.... "Ukraine: the choice to stay" is a plunge into this disrupted daily life, into the intimacy of a family like so many others in Ukraine. What does it mean to live one's intimate family and personal life in a country at war? And what might the plans be for everyone in this family, from the youngest to the oldest? What is certain is that their own history is being turned upside down as they pass through an episode in their country's history.

Photo credit: Marion Péhée Photo credit: Marion Péhée

Tuesday 12 September 2023
18:30 (GMT +1)
House of Photographers
11 Rue de Belzunce
75010 Paris
  • Free

Registration closed
Alexis Vettoretti

Documentary photographer and auteur-photographer Alexis Vettoretti sets out to meet people and time. In search of that nostalgia that captures the heart, for whom fatalism has a seductive quality, he likes to tell life stories that are part of a social temporality, giving the public food for thought and emotion. He likes his photos to be initially appealing, then to gradually soften, allowing the viewer to tame them.

Close to social photography, he takes a close interest in the working-class condition, one that crosses time and geography, and whose groups of individuals are today witness to a past flourishing revolution. He sets off to photograph one of the last coal mines in Romania, or the Mother Lode in California, the route taken by gold miners in the United States. Deliberately blurring temporality, he takes the public to meet women and men who are still there, unchanging, because in reality, everything changes and nothing changes.

In 2022, the "Paysannes" project was awarded the Camera Clara Special Mention and the UPP 2022 Prize.

Marion PÉHÉE

Freelance photographer since 2016. After completing a master's degree in photography and contemporary art at the University of Paris 8, Marion Péhée turned to more documentary photography. In February 2016, she began her first long-term project in Ukraine, focusing on the consequences of the conflict on the civilian population. This project gave rise to a book entitled "Not Bad" published by "Stupid competitions", as well as an exhibition entitled "Adolescence dans le Donbass" then "Les abandonnées du Donbass" presented in November 2017 and June 2019 at the Centre du photoreportage Géopolis in Brussels. Since then, Marion has been working for the French and international press on social issues, particularly women's rights and environmental issues.


House of Photographers

11 Rue de Belzunce
75010 Paris

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Tuesday 12 September 2023
18:30 (GMT +1)
House of Photographers
11 Rue de Belzunce
75010 Paris
  • Free

Registration closed
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