
Credit: Betül Balkan
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AA: your social security payments are due

27 June 2024 Legal
Viewed 276 times

The definitive 2023 and provisional 2024 schedules provide an overview of your income (social security base) and contributions. To find out more about this document, consult the article " Everything you need to know about the definitive annual payment schedule " on the Social Security site for artists and authors.

Your definitive 2023 and provisional 2024 schedules have been sent to you by email or post since June 19.

Do you have to pay additional contributions for 2023?

In this case, the amount remaining to be paid will be spread over the last quarters of 2024.

You can ask for
your 2023 provisionalcontribution to be adjusted up to June 30, so that it can be taken into account for the 3rd quarter.

Are you eligible for a refund?

Refunds will be made in July if Urssaf has your bank details. You can send us your RIB by post, or enter it directly into your online account at to be reimbursed as soon as possible. This RIB will not be used for subsequent collection.

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