
Credit: Emmanuel Perret
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Forced collection of IRCEC 2021 contributions

25 April 2024 Legal
Viewed 239 times

The IRCEC has informed us that the files of members who have not paid their contributions to the RAAP and/or RACL for 2021 havebeen forwarded to a bailiff .

These supplementary pension contributions thus fall within the scope of what is known as the forced collection procedure. This transfer to a bailiff follows a call for contributions sent by the IRCEC in 2021, a reminder letter in 2022, a formal notice to pay letter in 2023, and a final notice letter before transfer to a bailiff in January of this year.

To avoid finding yourself in this situation:

A video available here explains the successive steps put in place by IRCEC to avoid getting into this situation.
As soon as the first difficulties arise, you can ask the IRCEC for a payment schedule, for example.

Don't hesitate to inform your Social Security organizations in real time of any changes in your situation (change of postal or e-mail address, sick leave, etc.).

As a reminder, it is the compulsory nature of contributions, and their payment by members, which ensures, on the one hand, the validation of supplementary pension rights and, on the other, the guarantee of a supplementary pension for artists.

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