
New setback for trade organizations attacking 2S2A
The UPP shares the news of the setback suffered by a group of organizations seeking to undermine the social security system for artists. These associations have just had their requests to invalidate two decrees concerning, on the one hand, the approval by the Minister of Culture of the association 2S2A (Sécurité sociale des artistes auteurs), and on the other, the composition of its board of directors, rejected.
The Paris Administrative Court (ruling no. 2302357, 2302358/6-3, published on November 7, 2024) rejected all their claims, and ordered the six organizations concerned (CAAP, CPGA, CIPAC, FPAC, AFDCA, FRAAP and Platform) to pay the French State the sum of 6,000 euros.
These six organizations - some of which are represented on the decision-making bodies of 2S2A - had lodged their two appeals, challenging the legitimacy of the new organization and the members of its Board of Directors.
We can only regret such a stance on the part of professional organizations that are supposed to defend our interests. Let's not forget that this is not the first time they have taken legal action against decisions concerning the organization of the artists' authors' scheme, without ever winning the case. These gesticulations obviously do nothing to help us authors.
The UPP hopes that these professional organizations will remain committed to working together in the interests of photographers.
The UPP, proud of its 70-year history, has always defended the interests of photographers and copyright, and will continue to do so. The mobilization of photographers within the UPP is living testimony to this.
1 Comment
Pour les artistes auteurs, avec un départ avant 64ans et ayant cotisé 172 trimestres et ayant le statut de carrière longue , nous ne sommes pas soumis aux règles de cumul , Pouvez vous confirmer et préciser ce point .
Pour les gens en BNC , vu qu'il faut déposer sa demande 4 à 5 mois avant un départ , comment sont pris en compte les derniers trimestres, vu qu'il faut également 4 mois pour que l'URSSAF enregistre notre bilan ?
Exemple je pars le 1 janvier 2026 , je fais ma demande en juillet 2025 , mon bilan s'arrête le 31 décembre , je fais ma déclaration de revenu et URSSAF en avril/ mai 2026 pour en enregistrer les trimestres, pour la CARSAT nous sommes considérés comme des salariés mais avec une compta de BNC ... merci à vous
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