
Credit: Lucie Sassiat
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What's new in 2024?

15 January 2024 Fiscal
Viewed 575 times

A new year is often synonymous with new regulations, particularly in the tax, economic and social fields.

There will be no major changes in 2024. Nevertheless, a few changes can be noted, which we detail below.

1. Phasing out the CVAE

The business value-added levy is one of the components of the CET (territorial economic levy).

It is payable by companies with annual sales in excess of €500,000, but companies with sales in excess of €152,500 must declare their added value and number of employees, even if they do not have to pay CVAE.

As a reminder, CET = CVAE + CFE (cotisation foncière des entreprises)

The rates will be gradually reduced until they are completely abolished in 2027.

2. Increase in maximum reference tax income for payment in full discharge of income tax.

The "versement forfaitaire libératoire" (lump-sum payment in full discharge of liabilities) is an option available to micro-businesses (under the micro-BIC scheme or the micro-BNC scheme), enabling them to pay income tax and social security contributions at the same time.

These payments are made throughout the year (monthly or quarterly), as sales are received.

To benefit from this option, your reference tax income for the year N-2 (i.e. 2022) must now be less than 27,478 euros.

3. Revaluation of the SMIC

The SMIC (salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance) is adjusted annually by decree on January 1. This takes account of inflation for the 20% of households with the lowest incomes. In addition, each increase of at least 2% in the consumer price index is automatically followed by an increase in the Smic in the same proportions.

As of January 1, 2024, the gross SMIC has been raised by 1.13%, to €11.65 per hour, or €1,766.92 per month based on a 35-hour week.

4. Social security thresholds

As a result, social thresholds are changing:

Au 1er janvier 2024, le plafond annuel de la Sécurité sociale (PASS) passe à 46 368 € (contre 43 992 € en 2023) et le plafond mensuel à 3 864 € (contre 3 666 € en 2023), soit une hausse de 5,4 %.
l'assiette sociale de 150 SMIC horaire permettant de valider un trimestre de retraite passe à 1 747,50 €,
les 600 SMIC horaire permettant de valider 4 trimestres et de s'ouvrir le droit aux IJ se monte à 6 990,00 €.

5. Artists' ancillary remuneration

Indexed to the value of the Smic horaire, the maximum amount of ancillary compensation is €13,980, compared with €13,524 in 2023 (+3.37%).

6. Pensions and benefits

As of January 1, the basic pension will increase by 5.3%.
Other increases include

- Allocation de solidarité aux personnes âgées (Aspa) ;

- reversionary pension;

- widow's allowance.

This increase will take effect on the January pension paid on February 9.

7. What remains (among other things)

The ceilings for benefiting from the micro-business regime:
- for service provision, 77,700 euros of income excluding VAT;
- for commercial activities (purchase/sale) and industrial activities, 188,700 euros of revenue excluding VAT.

Pour rappel, vous devrez sortir du régime micro si vous dépassez le seuil deux années consécutives.
Si vous le dépassez en année N, vous restez en micro en N+1
Si vous le dépassez en année N et en N+1, vous devez passer en frais réels / déclaration contrôlée au 1er janvier N+2.


As for VAT:
If you are a craftsman, you will pay VAT in year N if:
- your sales of services exceed 36,800 euros in N-1, or exceed 39,100 euros for year N ;
- your sales of goods exceed 91,900 euros in N-1, or exceed 101,100 euros for year N.

If you are an author, you will have to pay VAT in year N if
- your artistic receipts (sales of works and transfers of rights) for year N-1 exceed 47,600 euros, or exceed 58,600 euros for year N ;
- your ancillary activities for year N-1 exceed 19,600, or exceed 23,700 for year N.

The thresholds for the simplified VAT regime have also been raised: 876,000 euros for sales of goods, 264,000 euros for services and self-employed professionals. Annual VAT liability must be less than 15,000 euros.

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