
Credit: Lucie Sassiat
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uncalled old-age pension contributions: buy-back assistance upgraded

09 July 2024 Legal
Viewed 357 times

Many photographer-authors have not been able to contribute to the pension insurance scheme because they have not received any calls for contributions from Agessa.
As a result, they did not acquire any rights during the years when they did not contribute.

A system for buying back contributions has been set up for photographers, but the amount required to buy back several years of contributions at once is often high.
To help photographers buy back their contributions, the government grants exceptional assistance, which can be requested from the social action commission of the social security system for artists and authors.

Decree 2024-633 of June 28, 2024, published in the Journal Officiel of June 29, 2024, revalorizes the amount of exceptional assistance that can be granted to finance the regularization of overdue old-age contributions.

Who is eligible?

You have benefited, or are considering benefiting, from ascheme to regularize overdue old-age contributions (RCA), because your capped old-age insurance contributions have not been called up. Under certain conditions, the Sécurité sociale des artistes auteurs can grant you exceptional assistance to finance part of this adjustment.

What is the new amount?

The new maximum amount set by decree 2024-633 of June 28, 2024 is :

50% of the amount of the regularization of arrears of old-age pension contributions due to the Assurance Retraite ;

up to the monthly social security ceiling, i.e. €3,864 for 2024.

This new amount applies to assistance granted on or after June 30, 2024. The amount of assistance granted is determined by the Social Action Commission of the Social Security for Authors after analysis of your socio-economic situation (income and household composition).

To find out more

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