
Credit: Renaud Wailliez
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We support Yoan Sthul-Jäger, photographer, prosecuted for practising his profession

13 September 2023 Press releases
Viewed 946 times

On July 11, 2023, a photojournalist was indicted on charges of "organized damage" and "criminal conspiracy".

In December 2022, photographer Yoan Sthul-Jäger, whose images were distributed by the Divergence-Images platform, covered an action by environmental activists at the Lafarge cement plant in Bouc-Bel-Air (Bouches-du-Rhône). The photos he took during this action were published in various media, including Libération, Le Monde, Le Parisien, Le Midi Libre, La Provence and Politis.

On June 20, 2023, at 6 a.m., he was arrested at his home in Tours by police officers from the anti-terrorist subdivision (SDAT). His equipment (cameras, computers and hard drives) was seized. His detention in Orléans lasted 80 hours, and our colleague was not released until midday on June 23, with a court summons to Aix-en-Provence on July 11.

Following this hearing, Yoan Sthul-Jäger was placed under investigation. His professional equipment has still not been returned, preventing him from practicing his profession.

The signatory organizations join in denouncing the fate of this photojournalist, who has worked for several years on environmental issues and documented numerous actions in these fields.

We fully support Yoan Sthul-Jäger, who is currently being prosecuted for exercising his profession. Photographing, filming, recording or writing about an activist act cannot be a crime; it's journalism! No one should be hounded and punished for bringing to light and bringing to the attention of citizens a social fact. It's a valuable contribution to a debate of general interest.

The indictment of our fellow photographer is an extremely worrying signal for all journalists, in particular, and for democracy in general, of which the freedom to inform is an essential pillar.

In view of the above, we trust that the proceedings against our colleague will be dropped and that the equipment he needs to carry out his professional activity will be returned to him as soon as possible. Paris, September 13, 2023

Signatories :

- Divergence-Images Association
- Hans Lucas (Photo agency)

- SNJ - The National Union of Journalists

- SNJ-CGT - Le Syndicat national des journalistes Cgt

- SGJ-FO - Le Syndicat général des journalistes

- CFDT journalistes SNAP-CGT - Le Syndicat national des Artistes Plasticiens

- Le Syndicat Cgt Spectacle

- SNP - Le Syndicat National des Photographes

- UPP - L'union des photographes Professionnels
- La SCAM - Société civile des auteurs multimédia
- La SAIF - Société des auteurs des arts visuels et de l'image fixe
- RSF - Reporters sans frontières

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