
Credit: Lucie Sassiat
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What legal information do I need to include on my website?

07 September 2023 Legal
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Are you a photographer who wants to use a website to develop your business? Depending on your administrative status and the functionalities of your website, you'll need to include different legal notices.

Here's a quick summary of the compulsory information required by the French law on confidence in the digital economy:

1. Details of identity

If you are a sole proprietor or a micro-business, these are your

- First and last name,

- address

- phone number

- mail

If you have set up a company, indicate its

- Company name,

- Legal form,

- Share capital,

- Head office address

- phone number

- mail

2. information on site hosting

- name of host

- Company name,

- address

- phone number

- mail

3. information on intellectual property

As the Latin proverb says, "Caesar's wife must be beyond reproach"...

The distribution of texts and images that are not your own must have been authorized by their authors, whose credit must of course appear legibly on the site.

4. If you run a commercial and/or craft business

- yourRCS registration number and yourRNE registration number

- Your VAT number if applicable

- Your terms and conditions

5. RGPD information

The General Data Protection Regulation is a European regulatory text that has framed data processing equally throughout the European Union (EU) since May 25, 2018.

It is aimed at any structure (whatever its sector of activity or size) established on EU territory or whose activity directly targets European residents, and which collects and/or processes personal data.

If you collect personal data from Internet users (surname, first name, e-mail address, etc.), including for your customer/prospect files or for account creation on your site, you have a duty of transparency.

It obliges you

\ to obtain the Internet user's informed consent

\ inform him/her of the purpose and use of the data collected.

You must provide access to the following information:

- identity and contact details of the organization responsible for data processing

- contact details for the Data Protection Officer (DPO) or a point of contact on these issues

- legal basis for data processing (Internet user consent, compliance with a statutory obligation, performance of a contract, etc.).

- purpose of data collection (fraud prevention, information required by regulations, etc.).

- whether data collection is compulsory or optional and the consequences for the individual in the event of non-provision of data

- recipients or categories of recipients of the data

- Data retention period

- Internet users' rights: right of refusal, access, rectification and deletion of data, and right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

- Where applicable, transfer of personal data to a country outside the European Union.

6. Cookie information

If you use cookies to analyze the behavior of your visitors, you must inform them of the purpose of the cookies and obtain their consent.

This applies in particular to cookies:

- allowing personalized or non-personalized advertising operations

- linked to sharing functionalities on social networks.

Some cookies can be activated without prior consent. To find out more, please visit this page on the CNIL website.

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