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Call for entries THE ANALOG FESTIVAL 2024

17 November 2023 UPP action in progress
Viewed 808 times

Dear Members,

As part of the UPP's activities, the "Exhibitions - Maison des Photographes" commission invites you to take part in the Analog Festival.

The festival was born in 2023 and celebrates the techniques of instant photography and old-fashioned alternative processes.

The year 2024 will be dedicated to collodion photography.

That's why the UPP is launching this call for projects aimed at its members, to take over its headquarters, the Maison des Photographes located at 11 rue de Belzunce (75011) next April with a collective and participative exhibition.

Originals, reproductions, enlargements - all presentations are accepted, as long as they are easy to hang in our exhibition space (picture rail system).

In addition to the exhibition within our walls, the photographs will also be reproduced in the festival's general catalog.

You can draw from your archives as much as from your current production. There is no theme; it's the richness of your proposals that will give the whole a unity of reading. We look forward to receiving your entries by December 31 at, with "Participation Festival Analog" in the subject line of your e-mail.

Technical file info: 21cm min small side @300 dpi. Please indicate your first and last names in the file names sent.

On Thursday, April 4, 2024, the "Exhibitions - Maison des photographes" committee will be organizing a day of collective hanging of photographs, so participants will need to bring their own image(s). A vernissage will follow at 6.30pm.

The exhibition will be on view from April 4 to April 26, 2024.

nb: the Union des Photographes Professionnels supports this festival and usually remunerates the authors who exhibit at the Maison des photographes. However, in the case of group exhibitions, the UPP cannot remunerate all the authors.

If you would like to take part in this group exhibition and support the festival, please enclose a transfer of rights for the exhibition on the dates specified and for publication in the festival catalog. Authors will have 15 days to return to collect their work after the exhibition.

For more information: https: //

To help, support or find out more about the festival: https: //

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