
Credit: © Lucie Sassiat 
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How to pay my 2023 contribution

23 January 2024 UPP action in progress
Viewed 1018 times

Your association, the Union des Photographes Professionnels (UPP), is :

- The membership card, a guarantee of seriousness and professionalism, offers you a host of advantages (accreditation at photographic festivals, accreditation at public events, free admission to the MEP and discounted tickets to exhibitions at the Grand Palais and Jeu de Paume...).

- A range of privileged advantages with our partners (20% discount at Picto, 50% discount at Pixtrackk, 3 months free at Indy accounting software, reduced prices at Escourbiac printers, etc.).

- A legal department to answer your tax, social, legal and commercial questions

- Free access to tools on the UPP store

- Our many actions in defense of photographic authors

- A monthly newsletter: UPP News, which reports on our actions in Paris and the provinces, legal and social news, our podcasts and more.

- Information meetings, portfolio readings and meetings between professionals, in the Paris region and elsewhere in France

- The UPP annual congress

- A media library of video replay and podcasts on the year's main events, which will be expanded over time, so you can revisit key events and workshops if you were unable to attend.

- Fees for the transfer of your images

- The vade-mecum of the professional photographer

- An exhibition space in the heart of Paris

- A family, a network, and much more...

We can't do these things without your support.

The UPP is still very much involved with the public authorities in connection with the Agessa and pension reforms, as well as with other bodies concerning professional photographers, such as AFDAS, the French Ministry of Culture, and so on. Together, we can make our voice louder and stronger. That's why we invite you to renew your confidence in us and to pay your 2022 membership fee.

How to pay your membership fee?

This year, paying your membership fee has been made even easier.

There are two ways to pay your membership fee:

1- A reduced rate if you pay by direct debit :

Direct debit : - If you wish to set up a direct debit for 2023, simply downloadthe direct debit mandate and return it completed to
You can choose to pay your subscription in 1 instalment (annual subscription), 2 instalments (half-yearly subscription) or 6 instalments (bimonthly subscription).

- If you have already set up direct debit for your 2021 membership, then you don't need to do anything - your 2022 membership will be set up automatically.
However, if the amount debited in 2021 changes due to a change in status (retired or group membership) or if you wish to change the debit schedule (payment in 1, 2 or 6 instalments), please notify Pauline as soon as possible (

2 - A standard fare that can be paid in different ways:

by credit card: By clicking |%lien_cotisation%| you will be redirected to the membership area of your UPP profile, where you can make your payment.

If you wish to pay in instalments, please pay by direct debit. We no longer accept cheques.

If your status no longer corresponds to your current situation (student, trainee, etc.) or if you are retired, please let us know, as the amount of your contribution may differ.

If you have financial difficulties, our social committee may, under certain conditions, grant you a reduced membership fee.

Please send your request to

Your contribution is deductible from your professional income.

Your 2023 card and a receipt will be sent to you upon receipt.

Together, let's develop our business. Together, we defend the value of our creations. Together, we build our rights.

The UPP team is at your service.

Arnaud Février

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