
Credit: Renaud Wailliez
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PRESS RELEASE - AI Act: For UPP, the "Artificial Intelligence" Regulation must protect copyright.

30 January 2024 UPP action in progress
Viewed 741 times

Paris, January 29, 2024

AI Act: For the UPP, the "Artificial Intelligence" Regulation must protect copyright.

A few hours before the vote on the terms of the "Artificial Intelligence" Regulation (IA Act), the Union des Photographes Professionnels calls on France to support the copyright protection measures it provides, since they are not likely to hinder the growth of European economic activity in the field of artificial intelligence.

The current boom in generative artificial intelligence is based on the appropriation, by private companies, of copyright-protected content used to drive the systems. Human creators of images, and photographs in particular, are strongly affected by the growth of these AI tools. On the one hand, because their creations are used without them being able to exercise their right to object, and on the other, because their creations are exploited without them receiving any remuneration in return.

In early December 2023, a provisional agreement was reached between the European Parliament and Council on the draft "Artificial Intelligence" Regulation. This balanced draft text supports the development of innovative AI companies while protecting copyright. But recent statements by the French President seem to give priority to the interests of AI companies, and above all those of Mistral, of which former Secretary of State for Digital Affairs Cédric O is now a shareholder, "whatever the cost" to copyright and consequently to creators.

The UPP therefore reiterates theabsolute necessity of reconciling technological innovation and respect for copyright in the text of the IA Act:

It is essential that, right from the system's training phase and at every stage of its operation, suppliers of AI models respect copyright and, in particular, the right of creators to object to the use of their protected works by artificial intelligences.

It is also vital that thetransparency requirement set out in the draft text is enshrined. Without AI companies providing a " sufficiently detailed summary " of the protected works used to form their system, respect for copyright cannot be guaranteed.

The UPP calls on France, in the context of the COREPER vote on Friday February 2, to unwaveringly reaffirm its historic support for creation, and to refuse the temptation to pit copyright against technological innovation. The UPP therefore officially calls on France to support the draft regulation on artificial intelligence as set out in the Trilogue draft, as its balance will allow both the deployment of these new technologies and the survival of those who are at the source of their relevance.

About Union des Photographes Professionnels

UPP is the leading professional organization for the defense of photographers' rights. It promotes the profession and looks after the interests of professional photographers. It studies all social, economic, legal and other issues of interest to the profession. It is particularly concerned with respect for copyright, as defined by the French Intellectual Property Code. UPP represents photographic authors, craftspeople and photojournalists in dealings with public authorities and national and international organizations.

1 Comment

Jean-Pierre RADO
7 months ago
Quelle position a été prise par madame Rachida Dati, nouvelle ministre de la culture afin de garantir que la France soutiendra une réglementation européenne qui garantisse un avenir pour le droit d'auteur et les droits voisins?

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