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IA Act: UPP welcomes the agreement reached this weekend in the European Parliament on artificial intelligence

11 December 2023 UPP action in progress
Viewed 510 times

On the night of December 8-9, 2023, after marathon negotiations, the Members of the European Parliament reached a political agreement on the content of the future regulation on artificial intelligence, known as the AI Act.

The UPP welcomes this essential step in the legal framework for artificial intelligence.

Parliament has succeeded in protecting intellectual property rights, and recognizes their inalienable value.
AI systems cannot be exempt from respect for intellectual property rights. Artists and authors were very active with their Members of Parliament during the discussion of the text, as the protection of copyright and intellectual property rights was absent from the initial proposal. They are delighted with this recognition of their rights, and the asserted protection of their work. However, while the principle has been established, everything remains to be done to implement it. Article 4 of the DAMUN directive is recognized as the legal basis for the use of AI-protected content. What remains to be done, therefore, is to organize the efficient conditions of the "opt out" it provides for copyright holders, and the modalities of "proportional and appropriate" remuneration for the use of their images by AI systems.

The draft text enshrines the obligation of transparency

It is essential, as it underpins all the fundamental principles on which the ethical AI promoted by the European Union should be based.

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