
Credit: Lucie Sassiat
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Upcoming deadlines for artist authors

29 February 2024 Legal
Viewed 307 times

April 1 - 15: 2nd quarter contributions
As of April 1, you will receive your call for contributions for the 2nd quarter of 2024. You will have until April 15 to pay your contributions from your personal space.

April 25 - June 10: Declaration
The annual declaration campaign for your artistic income for 2023 will begin on April 25, 2024 and end on June 10, 2024.

June 19 : Receipt of deadlines
Following your declaration of artistic income, on June 19, 2024, you will receive your definitive schedule of contributions for 2023 and your provisional schedule for 2024.
This document will enable you to identify whether you owe additional contributions or are eligible for a refund. To find out more, visit the 3in1 website.

4. From July 1, you will receive your call for contributions for the 3rd quarter of 2024. You will have until July 15 to pay your contributions from your personal space.

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