
UPP 2023 offer: Your first membership for €50
Wouldyou like to join the Union des Photographes Professionnels for the first time?
Starting in July, we're offering you the 2023 membership fee at 50€!
As a reminder, a standard membership fee is 230€ (210€ if you choose the direct debit method).
Why join UPP :
For member benefits : You'll benefit from the UPP's experience through legal advice, the support of its employees, a UPP card attesting to your professionalism to facilitate accreditation processes, partner benefits, advantages in certain museums, privileged meetings with recognized players in the world of photography, portfolio readings that bring together the most important players in our profession, and last but not least, being part of a community that's just like you!
To be represented: You become part of a community of professionals that interacts on a daily basis with public institutions to guarantee the status and rights of photographers.
Through your representatives, you take part in commissions and working groups on professional status, retirement and copyright.
To find out more about the benefits of UPP membership,click here.
Some additional information:
- Your membership will be valid until December 31, 2023.
- This reduced membership fee for the year 2023 is subject to a membership for the year 2024 in the month of January. You will therefore be asked to complete a direct debit mandate valid for 2024. Depending on your situation, membership fees may vary. Find all the details here.
Today, help us represent you and your demands! Join the UPP and add your voice to those of France's leading photographers.
To join the UPP, send an e-mail to Pauline Baron, our administrative manager, who will help you with the "Primo adhérent 2023" subject line. (
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