
Credit: Frédéric Murarotto
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Our partner area at the UPP Congress

11 March 2024 UPP action in progress
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A space dedicated to our partners will be available throughout the day:
An opportunity to talk with :


BULB is a digital gallery entirely dedicated to fine art photography, to perfectly meet the needs of photographic artists.

Our intuitive interface lets you manage your works and orders in real time.

Art lovers choose you differently with our innovative location and emotion search.


Based on the observation that some photographers had little or no insurance cover, we put together a tailor-made offer.

Cap&Sens Assurances offers professional liability insurance, which can be combined with legal protection for copyright and debt collection.

Darkroom Rumour

The Darkroom Rumour is the first audiovisual platform devoted entirely to photography. It offers the opportunity to discover the world of photography through a selection of reference documentary films, original creations, never-before-seen articles and exclusive interviews.


Revue EPIC is the complete opposite of immediate news or the frustrating insta on the small screen. It's the choice of a slow-moving medium and wide-ranging images, in-depth subjects that tell us about the trends of our time and feed our general culture and curiosity, without falling into deceptive emotionalism. Each quarter, EPIC magazine publishes 4 major photo stories, each covering 30 pages and accompanied by a long interview with the authors.


Twice awarded the Cadrat d'or, in recognition of its excellence, ESCOURBIAC is a family-run business with 40 employees. A printer and UPP partner for over 15 years, Escourbiac offers member photographers a tailor-made, unlimited support service for all self-publishing projects, from pre-financing to online sales.

Like the magazine

The independent magazine created by true photo lovers. Each season features interviews, stories and portfolios, in a practical 165x230 format and carefully printed. A must-have reference magazine.

Profession Photographe

The magazine that informs and defends professional photographers! Profession Photographe informs its readers on everything related to the practice of their profession: legal, accounting, technical, economic and associative information, news on exhibitions, festivals, books...


PixTrakk, the French leader in image tracing

PixTrakk is an innovative tool that detects the use of your photos on the web, by crawling millions of sites in France and around the world every day.

So you can check where, when, how and by whom they are used.


ADAGP is a copyright management company, responsible for collecting and distributing the rights of its members, according to the field of membership they have chosen: reproduction and representation rights, collective rights, droit de suite.


SAIF is a copyright collective management organization. Created in 1999 by authors wishing to defend their rights collectively, SAIF is a civil society whose mission is to defend, collect and distribute the rights of authors in the visual arts.

Social security for artists and authors

The merger of Agessa and Maison des artistes into a single organization, "La Sécurité sociale des artistes auteurs", was officially ratified on December 1, 2022. La Sécurité sociale des artistes auteurs will take over management of the social security scheme for artists and authors. It will continue to perform the same public service missions as Agessa and the social security branch of Maison des Artistes.


If you are a professional artist-auteur and are paid in royalties, IRCEC is the Social Security organization that manages your compulsory supplementary pension. When you reach the affiliation threshold, you are affiliated to the Sécurité sociale des artistes-auteurs for your basic pension and to IRCEC for your supplementary pension.

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