
Photographers, your next Urssaf deadlines
- Starting September 12
If you declare your income as BNC or mixed (BNC + salaries and wages) and have not yet filed your 2023 social security income tax return, you will receive your definitive 2023 schedule of contributions as well as your provisional 2024 schedule drawn up on the basis of automatic taxation.
To enable Urssaf AA to calculate your contributions on the basis of your actual income, you must declare the amount of your artistic income for 2023, in the Declaration section of your personal space on the website
If you have been deducted in advance and declare exclusively in TS
You must check and, if necessary, correct the 2023 annual declaration of artistic income completed by your distributors. If you fail to do so, Urssaf will automatically validate your declaration.
Once validated, you will receive your definitive 2023 payment schedule on September 12.
- September 30th
You have until September 30 to request modulation of your provisional contributions if you wish this modulation to be taken into account for T4 2024.
Reminder: Your social security contributions due in 2024 are based on your 2024 income. To calculate the amount, Urssaf anticipates your income, assuming it is the same as last year. If your income is lower than last year, you can ask for your contributions to be adjusted downwards, i.e. tell Urssaf that your income will be lower and therefore your contributions lower. If your income is higher, on the other hand, you should ask for your contributions to be adjusted upwards.
- 1st - October 15
You will receive your call for contributions for T4 2024 on October 1. It must be paid before October 15.
If you are having difficulty paying your contributions, you can request a deferment of payment on the website, in your personal space > messaging > new message > contributions and payment > request a deferment of payment.
NB: From the end of September, you will no longer be able to send messages to the address, which will be deactivated. All messages must be sent via your personal space on the website .
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