
Credit: Emmanuel Perret
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Taxes: regularizing unpaid bills

10 September 2024 Legal
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It can happen that certain professional or personal accidents make it difficult for you to pay your taxes. This difficult situation can be managed to facilitate a return to equilibrium.

Here's a quick overview of the solutions on offer:

1. request for payment extension from the tax authorities

You can use this option to pay your income tax and property tax.

To request a payment extension, log on to your personal space as soon as you receive your tax notice, and send your request by selecting "Write to the administration > I have a problem paying my tax > I'm having difficulty paying" in the message box.

You can also go to your local tax office, which can be found on your tax notice or at

Please enclose with your application

- The completed payment difficulties questionnaire,

- Your tax notice,

- A bank statement,

- Documents justifying the difficulties and the circumstances invoked (pay slips, rents, utility bills, etc.).

The authorities must reply within 2 months (4 months if the situation is particularly complex).

His answer might be:

- a decision to grant a deadline with a timetable

- a rejection decision. Failure to reply will result in a rejection decision.

2. Applying for a tax rebate

This opportunity is available if you are absolutely unable to pay your direct taxes (income tax, property tax, etc.). The request may concern all or part of your taxes.

You can submit your request via the secure messaging system in your personal space, or by post (see above).

It must contain the information needed to identify you and the tax concerned.

Please enclose a completed form 4805-AP-SD with your application, together with the relevant supporting documents.

To answer your question, the tax authorities will take into account, on a case-by-case basis :

- Staggering the tax payment period,

- Unforeseeable loss of income (unemployment),

- Exceptional circumstances or abnormally high expenses,

- The disproportion between the size of the tax debt and your level of income.

The authorities must reply within 2 months (4 months if the situation is particularly complex).

His answer might be:

- an outright decision to postpone or moderate

- a decision of conditional remission or moderation (prior payment of taxes remaining to be paid, updating of declaratory obligations, renunciation of any litigation concerning the taxes concerned)

- a rejection decision. Failure to reply will result in a rejection decision.

3. Possible recourse after the tax authorities' response

You can contest the tax authorities' response with the departmental tax conciliator,

You'll find the contact details on the rejection notice you receive from the tax authorities.

If you are not satisfied with the response, you can contact the Mediator of the French Ministries of Economy and Finance by e-mail or post at

The Mediator of the French Ministries of Economy and Finance

BP 60153

14010 CAEN Cedex 1

For more information, visit

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