
Credit: Lucie Sassiat
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Training for craft photographers and microentrepreneurs

09 July 2024 Legal
Viewed 624 times

All heads of craft photography businesses, including micro-companies (auto entrepreneurs), have an annual training entitlement financed by the FAFCEA.

They contribute to the FAFCEA via the professional training contribution (paid through URSSAF). The funds collected come from a contribution equal to :

- for craftsmen: 0.29% of the annual social security ceiling

- for microentrepreneurs: 0.3% of annual sales

If your company is up to date with its contributions, and if the amount of your training contribution is not zero, you can apply to have your training costs covered.

What rights?

The fee for 2024 is

- 100 hours of training at €35/hour, i.e. €3,500 for technical training

- 100 hours of training at €25/hour, i.e. €2,500 for job-specific management training.

In addition, we cover ancillary expenses (transport, accommodation, catering) up to €200 per course, and up to €1,000 under certain conditions.

These rights are annual and cannot be accumulated from one year to the next: they are lost if you don't use them, so don't hesitate to train regularly.

By extension, you can benefit from these training rights if :

- you launched your business in 2024, and even though you haven't yet contributed

- You're planning to set up your own photography business in less than 6 months. In this case, you qualify for "créateur-repreneur" status, and enjoy the same rights even if you don't yet have status.

- You are a collaborating spouse: if you are registered with the CMA and your name appears on the company's D1P.

Please note: Artisans who have opted for SAS or SASU status are treated as salaried employees. As such, they do not benefit from FAFCEA funding, but can finance their training through OPCOMMERCE.
How can I get training?

1. Check the conditions for reimbursement of the training you have selected;

2. If this training can be paid for,
- if there is a subrogation agreement with the FAFCEA, the training organization will apply for reimbursement and will be paid directly by the FAFCEA.
- Otherwise, sendyour request for funding directly to the FAFCEA, no later than the day you start your training ( the date of receipt by the FAFCEA is taken into account).
3. The application is then examined by the FAFCEA which, subject to its admissibility, undertakes to cover all or part of the cost;
4. The FAFCEA notifies its decision;
5. You pay the training costs to the training organization;
6. You receive the FAFCEA's financial contribution (depending on the decision notified) on presentation of supporting documents.

Whatever the FAFCEA's decision, you will be able to take the training you want, but if it is not covered by the FAFCEA, or if the hourly cost exceeds your annual entitlement, the amount not covered must be paid in full by your company.

Please note!

For further information:
Additional financing schemes for craftsmen
The CMAs also finance cross-disciplinary training courses, i.e. general business management skills not specific to your trade (website creation, IT, management...). The number of hours and priorities for reimbursement vary from region to region (but can be up to 110 hours at €25/hour). Contact your CMA or the organization offering this type of training.

For more information, visit: https: // or call 01 53 01 05 22

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