
Credit: © Vincent Catala / Agence VU’
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Take part in the 2023 edition of the UPP Award!

04 June 2024 UPP action in progress
Viewed 3020 times

Because it's essential to defend creativity and diversity of vision, the UPP is organizing a free, open-themed competition to support two professional photographers in the conception and realization of a photographic project.

There will be two prizes: one for a UPP member photographer, worth €4000, and another for a non-member photographer, worth €2000.

The grants are open to professional photographers of legal age and resident in France. The purpose of these grants is to help the winners finalize their subject and present it at a joint exhibition to be held at the Maison des photographes, UPP headquarters.

We are fortunate to have assembled an exceptional jury for this competition:

  • Laure Bouvet, founder of Well Done John, art buyer,
  • Julie Champin, photographer's agent, Regard Suspendu, and co-founder of the mentoring program Les Filles de la Photo,
  • Guillaume Cuvillier,Professional Photography MarketingManagerat SONY,
  • Sylvie Hugues, photography consultant (Festival du Regard, HSBC prize),
  • Pierre Langlade, former head of the Nouvel Obs photo department,
  • Lucie Sassiat, photographer, vice-president of UPP,
  • Brigitte Trichet, editor at Hemeria.

Important dates :

  • Application deadlines: June 08 to August 24, 2023 at 11:59 p.m,
  • Review of submitted projects: August 25 to September 10, 2023,
  • Jury deliberation: September 18, 2023,
  • Announcement of winners: September 20, 2023,
  • Exhibition at the Maison des Photographes: November 5 to November 26, 2024.

We invite you to consult the competition rules and the application form, downloadable from the bottom of the page, which contain all the information you need to enter.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

We look forward to hearing about your projects.

The UPP team

1 Comment

Nicolas CLARIS
2 months ago
Je ne comprends pas...
Dans le formulaire d'inscription il est demandé une planche contact en 300 dpi des images de votre projet.
Mais si c'est un projet, les images ne peuvent pas exister...
Merci de votre éclairage.

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